The safety and well-being of our students is paramount. A copy of the school’s Safeguarding policy can be found in the policies section of this website.

Should you have a concern about any of our students outside of school hours, please call the Social Care HUB on 0345 603 7627 or contact the Police.

Parents who are worried about the well-being of their own child can also contact EWMHS (Emotional Well-being Mental Health Service) on 0300 300 1600.

Students who feel that they need support – can speak or email  a member of the safeguarding team, their tutor, Year Leader, or a Pastoral Manager or can email

You can also call the school on 01206 572253

Year team contacts:

                Year Leader              Pastoral Manager

Year 7   Mrs James                  Miss Haque & Miss Scott

Year 8   Mr Van Geete                     Mrs Baxter

Year 9   Mr Lovell                            Mrs Wagner

Year 10  Mrs Wyatt                           Miss Cox 

Year 11  Mr Goldrick                        Mrs Osman