Please contact our reception team who will direct you to the most appropriate staff member or department:

01206 572 253

St Helena School,
Sheepen Road,

Sat Nav Post Code – CO3 3LE

W3W Location: trips.risen.fence

Visitors please note that there are two designated disabled parking spaces positioned nearest to the main entrance in the car park. All entrances are accessible. Lift access is available to first-floor rooms in the main block and new block.

There is no access to the car park between 2.55pm and 3.15pm

Communication with home
Our staff are incredibly busy and the majority of them will have a significant teaching timetable.  Our staff will respond to emails and phone calls within a 48 hour period.
Please kindly avoid turning up in reception unless you have an appointment as staff may not be able to see you due to pre-calendered commitments.


School opening hours:

Monday – 8am – 4pm

Tuesday – 8am – 4pm

Wednesday – 8am – 4pm

Thursday – 8am – 4pm

Friday – 8am – 3:30pm

All parents are entitled by law to be able to request any content from this website as a paper copy, please contact reception via the above email address for any copy requests.