Student Portal Access:
Click the image below to access the Student Portal, the portal includes shortcuts to all the online resources used within the school
Keeping safe online
Working from home, we will all make greater use of computers and online resources.
Some Key Advice for St Helena Students whilst working from home:
- Be kind online – when using group chats or social networking sites be mindful of what yousay and how you say it.
- Keep your personal details private – if you have not met the person then do not share anyinformation, they could be a fake using this crisis as an opportunity.
- Think before you post, send or forward – there are Coronavirus scams out there, do not allowyourself or your family to fall victim.
- Do not share your password with others – it can be frustrating not getting into a document oran online resource, but passwords are there for a reason.
- Ask your teacher if you are having an access issue.
- Be careful who you webcam/FaceTime with and if you are asked, always let a trusted adultknow.
- Do not open an attachment unless you are 100% sure it is safe and from a trusted source –some attachments are malware designed to corrupt your device.
- Tell a trusted adult if anything happens online that worries or upsets you. Here are some links to further guidance about keeping safe online:
- Thinkyouknow (advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online)
- Internet matters(support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Parent info (support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- LGfL(support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online)
- Net-aware (support for parents and carers from the NSPCC
Contact us
Do contact us if you have any questions about teaching and learning, work, Google Classroom, Class Charts and online access using this dedicated email address:
Top Tips for Students
When it feels like the world around us is out of control it can make you feel very ‘wobbly’. These are some top tips about what YOU can do for yourself that may help. We all need to try and focus on the stuff that we have some control over and anything else we need to just let go…
Things I can control:
- What I spend my time doing when I’m not at school
- Finding ways to keep myself occupied
- What I watch on social media
- Turning off the news
- Staying Positive
- Concentrating on today
Things I can’t control ( I need to let go of these)
- When schools are going to re-open
- What grades I’m going to be given
- What other people post on social media
- Predicting what is going to happen
- How other people are coping
Breathing Techniques can really help: Inhale for 4 – hold it for 5 – exhale for 6. End every day by thinking about 3 good things or 3 things you are thankful for.
For more advice and guidance about wellbeing we recommend these weekly videos (the ones with the turquoise background) from OM: LINK
There are loads more great resources to support in developing mental fitness, available HERE.
Reading at St Helena
Reading is a key skill for success at school. Develop it further by reading for pleasure.
Challenge yourself by reading 5 books from your year group reading list.
Looking for something to read this term then try something from our LRC themes guide.
Remember, If you’ve read anything good let us know by sending a short email review to
BBC BItesize Daily is a resource from the BBC available by clicking the link below. There will be plenty of work set on Google Classroom but should you wish to, you can access the programmes for yourself here:
We continue to review the online lessons being produced by the National Academy and will make these available to students where they fit well with the work that your child is doing this term. The advice for parents and students who wish to make use of these lessons is to start at lesson one and follow them in sequence. For students who complete all work set, asking for more work, independent revision and accessing the BBC Bitesize website are recommended: